Woodland and Forests in Medieval Hungary

Woodland and Forests in Medieval Hungary
12 117 Ft |
Price |
British Archaeological Series International Series
Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2005
Puhakötés | Paper book
187 oldal, színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 187 pages with colored and grayscale images
ISBN 1 84171 694 4
In this work the author investigates the pre-Turkish Hungarian landscape and describes how medieval woodland functioned. (Particular attention is given to the woods around Pilis and Bakony.) In combining this with evidence still visible on the ground, the author goes further than seeing trees and woods as mere environment. His study in important in that it begins to trace a common tradition of cultural landscapes in north and central Europe, taking into account coppicing, 'royal forests', common and private woodland, pollarding, monastic usages, etc.
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1067 Budapest, Teréz krt. 13. |
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