We are constantly accepting new manuscripts on archaeology, linguistics and cultural heritage. If you are interested in publishing your book with us, please send us an e-mail:!
We publish in the following series. For a detailed list of the titles published in each series, please visit our webshop.
- Archaeolingua Main Series
- Series Minor
- Hereditas Archaeologica Hungariae
- Aquincumi Zsebkönyvek [Aquincum Pocket Guides]
- Archaeolingua & Archeopress Central European Heritage Series
- Archaeological Studies of PPCU Department of Archaeology
- CEU Publications: Annuals of the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU
- Publications of the Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Studia Aegyptiaca
- EAC Occasional Papers
- Other Titles
1067 Budapest, Teréz krt. 13. |
About us
The Archaeolingua Foundation and Publisher is involved in publishing series and standalone publications in the disciplines of archaeology, linguistics, historic sciences and heritage protection for over 25 years.
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We publish both as standalone editions and as a volume of a professional series.
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Archaeolingua Foundation