Mithras in Aquincum

Paula Zsidi
6 059 Ft
978 615 5341 56 4

Permanent exhibition in the Archaeological Park of the Aquincum Museum

Aquincum Pocket Books

Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2018
Puhakötés | Paper book
88 oldal, színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 88 pages with colored and grayscale images

ISBN 978 615 5341 56 4
ISSN 1787-8624


One may see the remains of Aquincum at several points of Budapest, the most significant one represented by the open-air museum of ruins around the Aquincum Museum in Óbuda. More than a hundred years of excavations brought a significant part of the pristine Roman city to daylight there. The exhibited ruins have been preserved in their original place and condition, augmented by additional attractions during the past years, with the Symphorus Mithraeum erected above the remains of an antique shrine to God Mithras among them. The original shrine, discovered and excavated in 1941, contained several outstanding finds with a superior sculpture of the god himself. The creation of the Mithraeum finally offered the opportunity to display all the remains of the shrine’s furnishing at the original location. The exhibition is staged in a building resembling the ancient Roman shrine, protecting its remains. The publication introduces you to the cult of God Mithras, the records of that cult in Aquincum, and especially the Mithraeum, named after Symphorus, whose name appears in an inscription at the cult statue. The maps, photos, and reconstructions help you find your way amongst the ruins and, after the journey, recall the memory of a couple of hours spent in Aquincum.