Cultural Encounters in Iron Age Europe

Ian Armit - Hrvoje Potrebica - Matija Črešnar - Philip Mason - Lindsey Büster (eds)
10 074 Ft
978 963 9911 83 3

Series Minor No. 38

Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2016
Puhakötés | Paper book, 23.5 × 16.5 cm
323 oldal, színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 323 pages with colored and grayscale images

ISBN 978 963 9911 83 3

Table of contents // Tartalomjegyzék


Cultural encounters form a dominant theme in the study of Iron Age Europe. This was particularly acute in regions where urbanising Mediterranean civilisations came into contact with ‘barbarian’ worlds. This volume presents preliminary work from the ENTRANS Project, which explores the nature and impact of such encounters in south east Europe, alongside a series of papers on analogous European regions. A range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches are offered in an effort to promote dialogue around these central issues in European protohistory.