Archaeometry 98 vols. 1-2.

Erzsébet Jerem - Katalin T. Biró (eds)
20 195 Ft
1 84171 421 6

British Archaeological Series International Series

Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2002
Puhakötés | Paper book
842 oldal, fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 842 pages with grayscale images

ISBN 1 84171 421 6


Archaeometry 98 is the inaugural title in the Archaeolingua Central European Series. This first title, with its two large and important volumes, is based on 129 papers presented at the 31st International Archaeometry Conference held in Budapest. Archaeometry symposia in general are organized according to four main topics: investigation of biological materials, dating methods, field archaeology, technology and provenance of archaeological materials. The Budapest meeting selected experimental archaeology as its special field of interest, as this had seen some spectacular new achievements in the past few years. Because of the great number of papers, the editors decided to publish the proceedings in two volumes, following the structure of the meeting.