The Golden Treasure From Szent Vid In Velem

Gábor Ilon
7 752 Ft
978 963 9911 71 0

Series Minor No. 36

Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2015
Puhakötés | Paper book, 23.5 × 16.5 cm
248 oldal, színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 248 pages with colored and grayscale images

ISBN 978 963 9911 71 0
Ez a könyv magyarul is elérhető | This book is also available in Hungarian:

Table of contents // Tartalomjegyzék


A Late Bronze Age golden treasure of outstanding importance was found in the final days of August 1929 at the eastern extension of the Alps, at Szent Vid in Velem. These pieces of jewelry made with a rare and special technique had been hidden below a stone near the present-day Szentkút Spring. The diadem and the pectoral ornaments may have been a part of the apparel of a lady belonging to a ranking family who lived in the Late Bronze Age during the time of the Urnfield culture. The author discovered the details of the archaeological site and the circumstances of the find through an exciting investigation of the previously unpublished correspondence between the excavating archaeologist Barron Kálmán Miske, and his colleagues, Ferenc Tompa and Amália Mozsolics. The book also presents in detail the results of the restoration work performed between 2004 and 2006, at which time thorough observations as well as non-invasive examinations took place.
Gábor Ilon not only made conclusions related to the work of the goldsmiths on the basis of the traces left by the tools on the objects, but also concerned himself with the possible astronomical/mythological background and analysis of the symbols. He collected parallels to this find from around Europe, other similar treasures coming from the time of the Urnfield culture, and thereby was able to place this extraordinary Late Bronze Age collection of finds into a broader context.