Large-scale excavations in Europe: Fieldwork strategies and scientific outcome

Jorg Bofinger - Dirk Krausse (eds)
11 859 Ft
978 963 9911 29 1

European Archaeological Council Occasional Paper No. 6

Budapest, Archaeolingua, 2012
Keménykötés | Hardcover
223 oldal, színes és fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal | 223 pages with colored and grayscale images

ISBN 978 963 9911 29 1

The digital version of the book is available in pdf on the EAC website.

Table of Contents // Tartalomjegyzék


During the last decades, the number of large-scale excavations has increased significantly. Such excavations became an important element of archaeological cultural heritage management. This kind of large-area fi eldwork off ers not only new data, fi nds and additional archaeological sites, but also gives new insights into the interpretation of archaeological landscapes as a whole. Our view of the results of older excavations and our ideas on settlement structures and land use in the past has changed dramatically. New patterns concerning human “off site activities”, e.g. fi eld systems, or types of sites which were previously underrepresented, can only be detected by large-scale excavations. Linear projects especially, such as pipelines and motorways, off er the possibility to extrapolate and propose models of land use and environment on the regional and macro-regional scale.